Monday, May 17, 2010

Poetry Concat()

In the last post, I talked about reshaping the Stand categories to change it from wide to long data. The next thing I did was to concatenate, or reassemble, the responses. The four questions were divided into up to five sections for categorization. In order to easily browse the responses, I put them back together. I used Excel to simply merge the columns and loaded the resulting file in to mysql. To keep the sections neatly separated, I could have inserted a column between them with a special character or string that would mark the change or be replaced by a space or some other delimiter. I didn't. The result is much more interesting as evidenced from a few selections below. The csv file of the concatenated responses can be downloaded and combined with the one for the categories. Two more tables and you will have the basic database I use for ad hoc queries. Woo-hoo!

On to the poetry concat()....

see above healthier population see #2
walkable downtown mountains
outdoors affordable
downtown weather
future potential lifestyle values
see above no rich tards running it no snow see #2
aquarium fiber optic lines
downtown river bridges boats grass
see #1 plus direct air flight to NOLA see #2
drugs that would take care of crime
recycle not litter carpool
visitor - not sure
clean more well restored buildings
see above see #2
clean drug and gang free
i just did
? plant stuff
historic clean safe religious
traffic traffic traffic traffic traffic
education taxes litter pollution
crime education apathy
see above see #2

Ok, that is just a few combinations of words that I liked and found in a few minutes of scanning the first few hundred responses, found a theme, ran some queries and went with it. Many many more and better ones are in there. More gems to come.

Note: If the main download link doesn't work, try the one just above it to the left.

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